04 October 2022
An old recipe - renewed version
Emping Blinjo has been part of the Baland / Maxindo assortment for ages.
But now we have also added Emping Blinjo Mini: never before this much taste in such a small cracker! With only 2 smashend nuts we have created a cracker with a diameter of 3-4 cm. A delicious snack, now also available packed as 250 grams.
31 May 2022
Everything there is to know about the delicious, crispy cracker that we eat so often with Asian dishes.
What is krupuk? And how is it made? Krupuk is a typical Asian cracker which comes in many different sizes, flavours and varieties. Most types of krupuk are made from a mixture of tapiocaflour and seasoning from prawns or other kinds of fish. But krupuk also comes in variations that do not contain any flour at all. The name ‘krupuk’ collectively refers to all crackers made from a dough based on starch (such as tapiocaflour) that is steamed, dried and then fried.
In Asia, people eat krupuk anywhere and at anytime. We mostly know krupuk as a side dish to an Asian dish. But in Asian countries you might also see krupuk to accompany a cup of coffee. In Europe, the most famous variation is Krupuk Udang which is made from tapiocaflour and prawn. But in Asia there are over a hundred different types of krupuk. Baland International proudly holds at least 50 of these in its assortment!
Also healthy krupuk! The process of frying in oil does not make krupuk a very healthy snack. However, people often thing it is because it is made with low fat fish. But, nowadays there are plenty of healthier krupuk variations. One of Baland’s premium brands has added different kinds of healthier krupuk to its range. We also sell the Maxi cassava krupuk as a no-cholesterol, no trans-fat and/or glutenfree variety. And of course we also sell vegetarian and vegan krupuk!
So many varieties… The most famous krupuk explained: Yes, there is a lot of choice when it comes to krupuk. But believe us when we tell you that all different kinds are worth a try! Also here our slogan applies: ‘In life you make choices, in taste we made it simple’. Baland International only sells the most delicious varieties of the highest quality that are always traditionally prepared. Below a top 5 of the most famous ánd delicious varieties!
1. Krupuk Udang For sure the most famous: udang. The main ingedrients of this cracker are tapiocaflour, water and prawn. Usually you fry the udang in oil but this cracker can also be prepared in an Airfryer. The famous ‘crips’ does get a bit less, but it does make this a bit more healthy snack!
2. Cassava Krupuk As the name reads, the cassava cracker is made from the cassava root. In fact, the only ingredients in a cassava cracker are tapiocaflour and seasonings.
3. Krupuk Emping Often with a heavier meal, you will find emping as a side dish. This is because emping is a bit sweeter in taste. This cracker is made from melinjo seads which are crushed until smooth. After that they are dried in the sun and cut out in the desired size.
4. Krupuk Gendar Also the gendar is made from tapiocaflour, but fort his cracker you must add rice and seasonings to the batter. This cracker is a bit chewyer and also needs to dry a bit longer. After 2 to 3 days of drying in the sun you can fry this cracker raw and its ready to eat!
5. Krupuk Tempeh One of the most famous vegetarian varieties is Tempeh. This krupuk is made from fermented soybeans. The tempeh cracker is a true boost for your health. It is filled with proteins, probiotics, vitamins and minerals!
Order for your own toko or store Baland International sells over 50 different kinds of krupuk and has a large range of other Asian products. All products are directly imported from Southeast Asia and are of the highest quality. We sell in both retail- and bulk packaging. Have a look on our website. For questions about ordering, our assortment or products that we do not sell (yet) – contact us and we help you out!
21 April 2022
We are now live on Instagram, @balandinternational !! 😊.
You can follow us via instagram page @balandinternational for all about our products, brands, partners, recepts and information.
Stay tune and connect!
01 February 2022
“We wish our relations and customers whom celebrate this a beautiful, healthy and happy Chinese New Year 2022
Together we start the Chinese New Year, with hope for a prosperous and better cooperation in this Year of the Tiger!”
Best regards,
Team Baland International Amsterdam